Friday, April 29, 2011

Adventures in Paradise 28

Adventures in Paradise 28

Kia orana, everyone! Our excellent adventure continues with some thoughts on the joys of living well. I am in love with our little island and the people who live on it. We all shared a few perfect hours on Wednesday as we bid farewell to our visitors from Tahiti. Words fail me as I try to describe what could only be fully understood had you been here with us that evening. We felt a sense of contentment and belonging that comes from feeling comfortable in one’s surroundings.  So, for your enjoyment, sit back, relax and enjoy our pictorial of a night in paradise. Please crank up your imaginations by adding the sound of pounding surf and drums. Try to imagine the breeze through the palm trees, and a starlit navy blue sky. Listen for the quiet greetings and conversations between friends happy to see each other and the giggles of children changing into their dance costumes. Add to that, the sense, that all is well with your world. That is what Wednesday felt like to us. It was joyful.

Our Mission President, Matthew Smith, came to spend a few days with us. It was his last chance to visit Rarotonga before he is released and he wanted to say goodbye to everyone.  President Smith’s wife, Susan accompanied him, as did President and Sister Moody, who are in charge of the Tahiti temple. This party held on our property, was organized by people here who wanted to thank them for their service. So, please, enjoy our party and hopefully you will more fully understand why this piece of paradise means the world to us.

The tent is set up for our party.

The string band begins tuning. Notice the "back-up"singers!

The drummers arrive. 

You will never see these women when they are not smiling.

These girls are some of the young dancers who performed.

These children were hungry and waiting for the feast to begin.
Please note: The main course (roasted pig) was late for dinner!

The young woman on the left came in second in the teenage dancer of the year competition. Watching her dance this evening was magical.

We were told to dress in "Island Wear". Beautiful!

Our friends are enjoying each other's company.

The three amigos

Good friends. Alex, on the left taught me to slow down and take deep breaths.

The Lobbs always wear coordinating outfits to the parties.They are a matched set!

A joyful conversation.

My dear friend, Taina. She has a world-class collection of pearl jewelry!

The Smiths and Moodys opening some of their gifts. These are hand-painted pareus.

Sister Smith "cutting a rug" or in this case, grass!

President Moody doing his version of the warrior dance.

President and Sister Smith trying out their new dance moves.

President Smith bidding everyone a fond farewell.

Happy friends and musicians.

Two of the drummers

More dancing

Young warriors dancing to the beating drums

Peka George, a former national dance champion, showing that she still has all the right moves!

As always, we are happy and trying to work hard. We want you to have a sense of how much joy there is on this island and how happy we are to be part of it all. People here are teaching us to appreciate each moment and to slow down so that we don't miss anything. Might you understand why in the middle of this amazing evening, I had to wipe away a tear or two? Life is perfect here, just the way it is.

Love, Ward and Susan             Elder and Sister Belliston, serving in the Cook Islands

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