Friday, December 30, 2011

Adventures in Paradise 62

Adventures in Paradise 62

Kia Orana, everyone! Our excellent adventure continues with thoughts centered around Christmas angels and miracles. Knowing that this would be our last Christmas here on our little rock, we wanted to make it special. Being aware that some of our island friends would find it difficult to provide Christmas, Ward and I decided to host a simple celebration in our home. No sooner had we determined to do this, than a Christmas angel volunteered to be a sub-for Santa. My wonderful sister-in-law, Becky told us to make a list, she would check it twice and then she would shop in Utah and send Christmas to us! What a miracle!

Having decided that we could reasonably provide Christmas for two families, Becky and I devised a basic shopping list. Becky shopped and reported back on her success. Our Christmas angel was enjoying her role as a substitute Santa and we were excitedly waiting for yet another box to arrive from America. Parenthetically, I must share the relief the parents here felt when they realized that their children were actually going to have a Christmas. While waiting for our package, I was as excited as I had been when my own sons were small. Once again, I was a mother anxiously awaiting those magical moments where I would be watching excited children ripping open packages in my living room.  After so many years, there would be children with us again on Christmas morning. What a miracle!

Angels seem to always know what to do and when to do it. Have you ever noticed that? Over the course of the next two weeks an amazing thing happened. Other Utah friends or should I say angels, sent packages to the Cook Islands. I was stunned to open a package from Bill and Christa Hansen to find it packed with beautiful children’s clothing! There were brightly colored and coordinating clothes for both little boys and girls. We found cookie cutters and a huge tin of Russell Stover chocolates. The box also contained a pink straw hat, matching mini shoulder bag, jelly sandals and an assortment of flip-flops in various sizes. Immediately, we could think of children who would be able to use each and every item we found packed inside! Ted and Paige Kimball also sent us a package. It was full of chocolate AND some cold Salt Lake air!  That package was also a miracle!

Candy arrived, as did additional small gifts. Other angels had thought of us and the people in Rarotonga. The end result was that instead of being able to provide a happy Christmas for two families, we now found that we would be able to include at least four families in our festivities. I honestly cannot explain how it happened, but exponentially, there seemed to be more opportunity to share than made sense to us. As we were filling stockings and gift bags, we did not run out of sweets. There were somehow more gifts than we had realized and my main worry became whether or not I would have enough wrapping paper! What a miracle!

The mission leader in Avarua branch, another angel, had the brilliant and somewhat crazy idea of providing a small Christmas surprise to each family that we were teaching. There would be individual gift bags for all of the children and a traditional Christmas pudding for each family to share. He asked us to come up with a short message that we could deliver to each home and oh, yes, all of this would be presented by Santa. Did I mention that Santa (Ward) would be riding atop a small sports car in a specially made booster seat? Did I mention also that there would be a flashing light at the back of the car to attract the attention of other motorists? Did I mention that Sam, the mission leader, had gained special permission from the local police to drive around the island in that manner? Did I mention that Ward ho ho’d his way through Avarua to the delight of everyone who saw him? It was a treat to follow behind this spectacle and see the smiles on the faces of those he passed. Did I mention that we delivered gift bags to more than twenty little people? We loved the varied and unexpected reactions from the children we visited and my personal prayer that Ward would not fall out of his seat atop that car was answered. What a miracle!  

Christmas morning was spent first in church, then at our home in the company of dear friends. Once again, there were wide-eyed children unwrapping gifts and there was laughter. Due to the creativity and generosity of angels, even the adults found a little something special under the tree. There was no need for any next-day  exchanges. There were no missing batteries and everything was the correct size. What a miracle!

We shared a hot turkey dinner. The discovery of a Butterball turkey on the island was a little miracle in itself. I came as close as possible to producing traditional stuffing, given the lack of ingredients on the island and I even made a trifle. People stayed and visited and we sang some Christmas carols. In the end, as the children started nodding off, we reluctantly bid goodbye to our sweet friends. It was then that we remembered that there was one more box that needed our immediate attention. There tucked away in a quiet corner, sat the box we mentioned in last week’s blog. The Yalecrest 2nd ward Christmas stocking and its contents were waiting for us and so began the intimate evening we had been anticipating. For the next two hours, we again were touched by the thoughtfulness and creativity of our friends and neighbors from home. Many angels had taken time to remember us and to send holiday greetings and thoughtful gifts. We cannot express our gratitude for the miracle of that evening. We were once again surrounded by the good wishes of those we had left behind.

So, as always, we are happy and trying to work hard. As this year comes to a close, we are taking the opportunity to remember back over our adventures in paradise. We are reminded once again, how quickly time passes and that we need to cherish the gifts that we are given daily. We are truly grateful for the small and not so small miracles that we have experienced; not the least of which is the miracle of having such good, caring people in our lives. We wish you all a happy and peaceful new year and look forward to sharing part of that year with you upon our return. Before you view this week’s photos, we wanted to end this blog with the same message that we left with our friends as we visited with them last week.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should have everlasting life”
John 3:16

We are the receivers of the world’s greatest gift.


Love, Ward and Susan                   Elder and Sister Belliston, serving in the Cooks

Mr. and Mrs Claus ready to make their Christmas deliveries. 

Santa tells his driver to "Move that Miata.......oh, I mean sleigh!"

This is almost my favorite view that evening. I especially like the orange flashing light! Way to go, Santa and hold on tight!

Santa was greeted warmly...

And some were a little perplexed ...........

But the more mature kids were very glad to see him!

It was reassuring to know that Ruldolf was always on hand should there be a foggy night where Santa might lose his way. 

Unlike Santa, Ward had no problem getting this little girl to smile.

Christmas morning at the Bellistons. This time everyone seems to be happy to see Santa, but where did Elder Belliston go? Hmmmmmmm......

Caleigha modeling her new outfit complete with hat, bag and jelly sandals. Her new baby is yet to have a name, but we will keep you posted.

Baby Belliston will need to grow into his surfer shorts and "Kool Dude" t-shirt. Personally, I hope that he doesn't grow too fast! I love him just the way he is!

Ward catching his first glimpse of the contents of "The Box".

Our Christmas angels were so thoughtful this year. We know that the invisible ingredient in our box was the love of our friends. Thank you, thank you!

Laurie Little's talent shines in our 2011 Christmas stocking. She has carefully stitiched a stylized Baby Jesus resting under the Christmas star. This photo does not do the stocking justice, but we think that it's a miracle that we have two of her stockings to bring home with us! We are going to treasure them for many years to come.  Happy New Year!  We will see you all in 2012! 

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