Saturday, October 3, 2015

Adventures in Paradise Volume 2 #42

Kia ora! Our excellent adventure continues with thoughts concerning befores and afters. Many who know me will appreciate my saying that I am almost addicted to projects where there is a miraculous change.  I am mesmerized by photos featuring something or someone badly in need of renovation. The transformation possibilities pique my imagination and I can hardly wait to see the finished project. Having confessed my addition, I will readily admit that if I were forced to choose only one TV channel, I would, without hesitation, opt to live the rest of my life with HGTV.  One of my ideas of heaven would be continuous before and after decorating programs. The irony here is that I do even have cable at my home, so there is no way that dream could ever come true. I would have to depend on the kindness of others to share their cable with me!

Having made that confession, I would like to tie my addiction to the excitement I feel when someone we love chooses to change his before life into an after that is already bringing him great peace. Today Robert was baptized and we couldn’t be happier. When we first met him, Robert was pretty much a wild child. He was living with his brother and sister-in-law and they felt that his sole aim in life was to create havoc in their home. He was thoughtless and selfish. He contributed noting to the household save constant frustration and annoyance. It was not a happy before picture and there did not seem to be any hope for a remodel.

In truth, Robert is not a child. He is a young adult in his twenties who has lived the majority of his life without much direction.  When asked by the family to please turn down his head-banging music, he would laugh and turn it up. When the request was to find songs that had less vile lyrics so that the children didn’t have to listen, he looked for music that contained even more offensive language. He spent over 40.00 a week on cigarettes but when asked to contribute to the family income, he scoffed at such an idea, saying that he could not afford it. Robert is the father of a two-year-old born of a short-lived relationship and he has grown used to not being a part of that child’s life. When we first met him, he was rude to us and dismissive. If he knew that we were coming to visit, he would absent himself and if we happened to drop by unannounced, he would leave as quickly as he could. There was a darkness about him that seemed fed by his unhappiness and his lack of direction.

One day, after several months of avoidance, Robert approached us and simply asked when we were going to teach him. We were stunned, but recovered quickly enough to make an appointment for the next day.  Over the last few months, we have learned that one of the reasons Robert asked to speak with us is that he noticed that his brother, who had grown up in the same home had made changes to his life that had brought him peace. Even through the loud music and the questionable lyrics and the rudeness, Robert was able to notice that his brother and sister-in-law were doing things in a way that looked like a cohesive family. He was impressed that the children were well-behaved and treated with love and patience. He watched as the two little boys asked to say their prayers and volunteered to say a blessing on their meals. He watched as his brother’s little family played and worshiped together and one day, Robert realized that he had been wrong in maligning them. He actually wanted to know what they knew and he wanted to learn how he could have the same peace in his life.

So, Robert has become an “After”.  He no longer resembles the before that he once was. His change of heart has brought him peace and a new direction. He is happy and settled and almost the exact opposite of the person he used to be. We are not the only ones who have seen the change. Today at his baptism someone mentioned that his darkness has now been replaced by light. Robert having saved over 40.00 a week by not purchasing cigarettes, spent some of those savings on a new sound system for his sister-in-law, so that she could enjoy the music that she preferred. He is doing dishes and helping to watch over his two young nephews. He has said that he never knew that a person could feel this good.

Today at his baptism, Robert was warned that the water was pretty chilly. In speaking of it afterwards, he simply said that someone had said that the water was cold, but that he was totally unaware of its temperature. He said that all he felt was warmth.

As always we are happy and trying to work hard. Although Ward sometimes rolls his eyes when I mention how much I love renovations, he will admit to being pretty pleased about those renovated lives that we have been privileged to witness here in New Zealand. We appreciate the examples these “Afters” have been to us in our lives. We also appreciate the truly amazing examples you have been in our lives as well. We wish you all the peace that Robert is feeling at this moment.

Love, Ward and Susan    Elder and Sister Belliston, serving in Gisborne, New Zealand

Robert was baptized this morning by his brother Jason. The "Before" Robert would never have been smiling so braodly. 

1 comment:

    I has seen a similar "Renovation" in the life of my own son recently, so I thank GOD and HIS SON JESUS CHRIST for the Power of THEIR LOVE and LIGHT that dispels such oppressing darkness❗️
